
Are You Being Clear?

Have you ever heard of the KISS Design Principle? KISS stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. (harsh but true!) Sometimes, this is really just the best advice. How about the phrase ‘Less is More’? Both of these concepts are key in presentation design when communicating clearly is the main objective. Should we ‘keep things simple?’ Absolutely!  Should we eye our presentations with the ‘less is more’ concept? One hundred percent! 

No matter the audience, your ability to convey your message in a clear and concise manner makes all the difference to your viewers and the success of your presentation. Clear communication is the most important factor. Before any design is conceptualized, you must define your main message. What’s the central idea? If you don’t have a clear message, your audience won’t be able to follow along or understand the purpose. Every element of your design should underscore the main idea or key message in your presentation.

Keep it simple by using simple language. When presenting complex or technical information, it can be tempting to use industry jargon or technical language. Unfortunately, this can make your presentation confusing and difficult to understand. Instead, aim to use simple, everyday language that everyone can understand. You do not have to over simplify your content. Instead, consider how you would make your message easier to understand for someone that is not in your industry. 

Visuals actually can help keep things easier to grasp. A picture is worth 1,000 words, as the saying goes. Effective use of photos, graphics, diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to help convey your message. Visuals can also help break up text-heavy slides and make your presentation more interesting.

When created with great visual aids, a structure that flows and has a path that makes sense will keep your audience’s attention. A clear structure will help guide your viewers through all of the points you make within your presentation. Of course, an introduction that outlines your key message, a body that breaks down your ideas into sensible sections, and a conclusion that wraps everything up into a neat package is the perfect plan.  

Keeping it concise is a requirement for clear messaging. A presentation that is too long or contains too much information can quickly become overwhelming. Keep your presentation short, sweet and to the point. Avoid including unnecessary details or information that doesn’t directly support your message.

Lastly, rehearse your presentation! When you know your content thoroughly, a simple run through will help reveal any kinks in your presentation and give you a sense of confidence. If you need to master some of the messaging, practicing your presentation with colleagues or recording yourself can help identify areas where you need to solidify the mastery of your message. 

In conclusion, clear communication is key to delivering an effective presentation. By defining your key message, using simple language, incorporating visuals, using a clear structure, keeping it concise, and practicing your delivery, you can create a presentation that is engaging, informative, and easy to understand.